Tabacalera Fernandez, best known to the English-speaking world as A.J. Fernandez Cigars, is a makers of cigars primarily grown and produced in Nicaragua and sold worldwide. The company is run by Abdel J. Fernandez, a third generation cigarmaker, and is a prominent manufacturer of cigars sold under a variety of labels, including "Man O'War," "Diesel," and "La Herencia Cubana."
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A.J. Fernandez Cigars traces its roots back to San Luís, Cuba, where Abdel's grandfather started the San Lotano brand.[1]
Abdel was a protegé of Alejandro Robaina.[2]
Tabacalera Fernandez started in a decrepit facility in Estelí, Nicaragua with just six rollers.[3] Rather than launching his own brand from the start, Fernandez first established himself as a manufacturer of cigars for other companies, such as the Rocky Patel Summer Blend 2008, which was produced in Fernandez's "Tafenic" factory in Estelí.[4]
A.J. Fernandez (born March 1979) first earned his stripes as the manufacturer of the brands "Man O'War" and "Diesel" for sale by mailorder retail giant Cigars International and its associated companies.[5] Man O'War, introduced nationally in the United States in 2009, is a medium-to-full bodied blend that quickly developed what contemporary cigar historian Richard B. Perelman has described as a "near cult status."[6] In 2010 two new additions were made to the brand, a mild-to-medium product wrapped in a claro colored leaf called Man O'War Virtue, and a full-bodied product wrapped in a colorado-maduro leaf called Man O'War Ruination.[6] In 2011 a new blend made as a classic Cuban-sized corona with a ragged foot called the Man O'War Puro Authentico was introduced as well as a limited-production super premium called Man O'War Armada.
The Diesel line, also launched in 2009, initially consisted of a single vitola — a thick 5-inch belicoso that the company called the "Unholy Cocktail."[7] This was later supplemented by an even-shorter 60-ring robusto called the "Shorty."[7] A second full-bodied blend, called Diesel Unlimited, was launched in 2010 in 4 vitolas, including a massive 7-inch, 60-ring double corona.[7]
Today the Fernandez factory in Estelí is among the largest in Nicaragua, and produces some 9 million cigars a year.[1]
In the summer of 2010, Fernandez revived the long-discontinued San Lotano brand which was previously made by his grandfather in Cuba in the years before the Cuban Revolution of 1959.[1]